iOS14: How to optimise your Facebook ad creative to find the right audience.

After Apple's iOS14 release, the future of ads is no longer pixel-reliant. Learn how to use ad creative to offset signal-loss and become a beacon of insight to accurately target your campaigns.

The 14.5 iOS release by Apple that prompts users to opt-in or out of data collection through identifiers for advertisers, or IDFA, is already installed in iPhones across the world. 

While the full impact is yet to be determined, the release affects how advertisers can target ads, particularly on Facebook, putting more pressure on the Creative to provide insight, conversions, and a source for audience expansion through Lookalike audiences.

Read on to learn how your creative can help you narrow and target your audience to offset the loss of third-party data.

Interactive Ads for Feedback

Offsetting the loss of web/app activity, demographic, and/or interest data can be offset with ads that collect information directly from your audience as well as engagement metrics to measure how well it resonates.

For example, ask questions to your audience and gather feedback with interactive ad formats such as polls. And understand what aspects of an app are the most appealing with Playable ads

Interactive ads can provide great insight about engagement and give you the information you need to continuously improve your ad creative.

In-Platform Lead Generation

Generating new leads and any direct conversions as a result of being exposed to an ad is a very big part of any advertising strategy.
Lead Ads and Click-to-Messenger ads reduce friction in the journey from ad to conversion, keeping the user within the Facebook environment and facilitating businesses to obtain customer data on the spot.

Lead ads open a pre-populated form for the user to submit instantly, reducing drop-offs. This form can also be connected to your CRM system.

Click-To-Messenger ads open a conversation with your business, with the option to direct the user to Facebook MessengerInstagram Direct or even WhatsApp for a personalised and personal experience. Research shows that customers that engage with a conversation with a brand are 3x more likely to convert.

Shopping ads, direct customers directly to a Facebook shop, which are now integrated across multiple Facebook apps such as Marketplace and WhatsApp in certain regions.

These ads not only facilitate the generation but also the qualification of leads. Based on the type of conversations or interactions with your products, you can place on a specific stage of the journey to direct more targeted and relevant messages to push them through the funnel.

click-to-messenger ads

Custom Audiences for audience expansion

Now that you know how to use your ad creative to generate insights and leads without relying on third-party data, you can help the Facebook suit of apps to expand on your audience and reach those lookalikes.

Engagement Custom Audiences allows you to build audiences you can target based on significant actions taken across Facebook’s apps. Not only you can target those people who have interacted with your content in a certain way, but also use these audiences as a source for a Lookalike Audience, expanding your reach.

If we go back to the beginning of this article, you can build an engagement custom audience based on activity on a poll story ad. Or based on how long someone has watched your video ad. 

Playable ads also offer a wealth of data based on interaction with the game being played.

In addition to engagement custom audiences, Facebook offers Shopping Custom Audiences as well as insights for the Message Objective, meaning that audiences can be built and expanded on based on interaction with products on a Facebook shop and within business messaging apps. 

Supercharge your ad creative.

Get started with Interactive, Playable, AR and Conversational Commerce today.